Gary March

Senior Attorney

European Patent Attorney (1984); European Trade Mark & Design Attorney (1990); BSc (Hons) Chemistry.

Gary March

Senior Attorney

European Patent Attorney (1984); European Trade Mark & Design Attorney (1990); BSc (Hons) Chemistry.


Gary has over 38 years’ experience in drafting, filing and prosecution of patents in UK, Europe and Internationally over a truly extensive spectrum of chemical, chemical engineering, materials science and mechanical subjects. Gary is also highly active in Trade/Service Marks and the protection of industrial designs, is a keen listener and wants to deliver advice to suit your IP requirements and budgets.

Gary is a former equity partner from a London based practice, where he was responsible for all chemical and materials cases entrusted to his firm but particularly from a major Japanese multinational and several of the London Universities. Industrial experience was gained within an American based chemicals multinational where he also oversaw their confidentiality agreements and portfolio maintenance conferences.

Apart from traditional core activities of preparing and filing applications for patents (at UKIPO, EPO and WIPO) Trade/Service Marks and Designs (at UKIPO and OHIM) and liaison with overseas Associates especially in USA, Gary frequently advises all types and size of client upon pre-filing conflict searches and infringement and validity issues.

No stranger to contentious proceedings at the European Patent Office, Gary has appeared at most levels and Divisions of the EPO in prosecution, Oppositions and Appeals.

Med Tech Team

Avidity’s Med Tech team handles IP protection, related searches & advice for the whole range of medical devices, digital health and medical equipment.